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Insane. Insane that it ever gets to such a point. Recent reports from local Greensboro media outlets tell the sad story of a man arrested for murder after shooting his domestic partner and attempting to kill himself after a standoff with police.


His partner’s attempts to evict him turned into her calling 911 to report domestic violence, and later, into murder. Investigators found out afterward that the couple had had a previous instance of domestic violence that had not been reported to police. Your life can be insane enough when domestic violence rears its ugly head. You must call on the cool and clear-headed legal help of the best Greensboro domestic violence attorneys before things get any uglier.

It should come as no surprise that one of the calls that law enforcement officers dread the most is over domestic violence. Not just because such incidents can turn violent for the officers themselves but also because there are no winners in such a harrowing affair. Once someone is accused of domestic violence by a victim or a witness, police must move in to make an arrest. It’s a he-said/she-said game that the local prosecutor is left to deal with.

That’s why you need a team of Greensboro domestic violence attorneys like the Law Firm of Schlosser & Pritchett, who have, themselves, previously been prosecutors of domestic violence cases. Schlosser & Pritchett have the savvy to know the limits around what the prosecution can do and know what options are available if you are accused of domestic violence. More importantly, they can give you a perspective amidst the insanity that a domestic violence charge can stir up and point your defense towards the best outcome possible. Before things would get worse.

Domestic violence charges in the Greensboro area require a seasoned defense team of lawyers who know North Carolina domestic violence laws. Experienced and cost-effective Greensboro domestic violence attorneys are at the Law Firm of Schlosser & Pritchett. Known for their savvy representation of clients, Schlosser & Pritchett are your best choice for domestic violence defense in Greensboro. To contact us for a free consultation, call our office at 336.292.4076, or visit our web page at

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