Category: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence, especially long-term violence, is not always obvious. Generally speaking, abusers tend to want to keep their actions a secret and not let any evidence of abuse get out.

However, evidence of abuse will eventually surface, even if it’s fairly subtle. If you notice the following in a friend, family member, or coworker, they may not just be acting strange – they may be harboring a violent secret in their private life.

Signals That Can Point to Domestic Violence


They Talk About Their Partner’s Abusive Behavior. If a friend says negative [...]

Defending against domestic violence charges is already important. A conviction could come with penalties ranging from probation and anger management classes to jail time and protective orders for felony charges.

Defending against domestic violence charges while going through a divorce is even more important, because a conviction will also lay heavily on your divorce proceedings. You may lose your ability to see your children, live in your residence, or be forced to pay more child support on top of the criminal penalties that come with a domestic violence conviction.

Understanding How North Carolina


Here’s a sad truth: domestic violence is extremely common.

It’s so common that it has become a hot topic for national discussion in recent years. Over 1.3 million women and over 800,000 men in the United States are physically assaulted by an intimate partner every year. In North Carolina alone last year, 131 people were killed by a loved one or blood relative. It is a huge problem, and one that local lawmakers and law enforcement officers are working hard to eliminate.

How are they doing this? There are a couple of ways. [...]

Domestic violence is becoming more and more prevalent on the news and in popular culture. But there’s a lot more to domestic violence cases than the alleged act of violence. Something that frequently comes into play in these types of cases is a protective order.

What is a protective order?

Recently in Wilmington, David Eason – the boyfriend of Jenelle Evans, a reality TV star from MTV’s Teen Mom – was arrested for violating a protective order. His protective order stated that he wasn’t allowed to have contact with his ex or their [...]

Being convicted of domestic violence in North Carolina can destroy your life. Like other criminal acts, you are likely to find yourself up against a number of serious penalties, including hefty fines and the possibility of imprisonment. But domestic violence cases also tend to be far more emotional and personal than those associated with most other criminal charges.

If you are convicted, you may lose parental rights and become estranged from other family members or loved ones. You may be branded as abusers and forced into psychological evaluations and anger management courses. You [...]