Category: DWI

We’ve all seen the advertisements and billboards warning us against DWI. Not only does driving under the influence put everyone on the road in danger, the costs of getting a DWI are far from being worth the crime.

Exactly how serious are DWI charges?

Like many crimes, DWI charges vary. While most DWI charges aren’t more than a misdemeanor offense, aggravating factors and multiple charges could put you at risk for getting a felony and facing more serious consequences.

The Different Types of DWI Charges in Our State

The following are different charges [...]

We all know that the legal limit for driving under the influence is .08, but what exactly does that mean? What does it feel like to have a .08 BAC? How can you tell what your blood alcohol content might be if you are feeling pretty sober? Why can some people drink more (or less) than you before their BAC is over the limit?

Before we dive into the factors that help determine your BAC (and could determine whether or not you end up facing a DUI), let’s briefly discuss two things: how [...]

Getting in a car is the riskiest thing you can do. Seriously. Auto accidents are the number one cause of death for Americans under the age of 34, killing 40,000 people each year.

Sharing the road with a drunk driver, however, puts you at the highest risk for getting into a car accident.

Now, technically you can be on the road with a drunk driver at any time. But certain days, times, and events tend to bring out more boozy drivers than the rest of the year. If you plan on driving during [...]

When you think of why you should not drink and drive, what pops into your head? Safety? The fatality rate of drunk driving accidents? The embarrassment of getting caught? You might think about the time and effort that it takes to handle a DWI charge or conviction: attending a hearing, getting your license restored, finding a new ride to work, and so on.

But there is also another reason to call a cab or get a ride if you’ve been drinking: money. Not only is DWI dangerous, getting caught is extremely expensive.

Below, [...]

North Carolina takes driving while impaired (DWI) very seriously. If you are caught with a blood alcohol content above the legal limit, you will be arrested and charged with DWI – even if you are a member of law enforcement.

If there was ever any doubt about that last part, recent events have removed all questions. How so? Stephanie Pellicer, a detective who works for the Macon County Sheriff’s Office, was arrested and charged on an early Sunday morning in late June for driving while impaired.

Pellicer, who has a 15-year history working [...]