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Misdemeanors are criminal offenses that are considered less serious than felonies but can still have significant consequences. In North Carolina, a misdemeanor can stay on your record indefinitely, potentially haunting you when you least expect it. Whether you’re applying for a job, renting an apartment, or simply trying to move on, that mark on your record can create roadblocks.

Addressing this situation effectively and safeguarding your future requires the skilled guidance of attorneys at Schlosser & Pritchett. We understand North Carolina’s criminal laws inside and out and will support you through every step, working toward the best resolution possible.

Common Misdemeanors in North Carolina

Misdemeanors in North Carolina are far more common than many people realize. These offenses, which you might encounter in everyday life, are often mistakenly viewed as “no big deal.”

However, even a seemingly minor misdemeanor can have lasting impacts on your life, affecting job prospects, housing opportunities, and personal relationships. Many individuals are surprised to learn that actions they consider trivial could lead to criminal charges. It’s crucial to understand these common offenses and their potential consequences:

  • Simple assault
  • Shoplifting
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Trespassing
  • Possession of marijuana (small amount)
  • Driving while impaired (DWI)
  • Reckless driving
  • Carrying a concealed weapon
  • Cyberstalking
  • Larceny (theft of property valued under $1,000)
  • Vandalism
  • Public intoxication

A Conviction Can Leave a Permanent Mark on Your Record

It’s crucial to understand that North Carolina does not have an automatic system for clearing misdemeanors from your record after a certain period. This means that without taking specific legal action, a misdemeanor conviction can remain on your record for life, continually affecting your personal and professional opportunities.

Long-Term Impact of Misdemeanor Convictions

The indefinite nature of misdemeanor records in North Carolina underscores the importance of addressing these charges seriously from the outset. Even seemingly minor offenses can have long-lasting repercussions, impacting employment prospects, housing applications, and even personal relationships. Many employers and landlords conduct background checks, and a misdemeanor on your record could be the difference between securing a job or residence and being passed over.

Expunction: A Path to Clearing Your Record

However, there is hope for those seeking to clear their record. North Carolina law provides a process called expunction (also known as expungement) that can, in certain circumstances, remove a conviction from your record. Expunction essentially erases the conviction from public records, allowing you to legally state that you have not been convicted of the expunged offense.

Eligibility and the Process of Expunction in Greensboro North Carolina

Eligibility and the Process of Expunction

The eligibility for expunction depends on various factors, including the nature of the offense, the time that has passed since the conviction or completion of the sentence, and your overall criminal history. Fortunately, our skilled team can evaluate your situation and determine whether expunction is an option for you.

Your Future Matters—Choose the Right North Carolina Criminal Defense Lawyers

When facing a misdemeanor charge in North Carolina, your future is at stake. The lawyers of  Schlosser & Pritchett have over 30 years of experience and a track record of securing favorable outcomes for our clients.

We understand the importance of a personalized defense strategy and are committed to defending your rights at every turn. With our team on your side, you can trust that you’ll receive the highest level of legal support and guidance. Contact Schlosser & Pritchett today at (336) 292-4076 or reach out to us online to protect your future.

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